So you are on the hunt for furniture but you aren’t sure where to head. Where can you go to get practical furniture? Listed below are some places you can go:
Thrift shops
Believe it or not this is a great source of furniture that has been gently used and with upholstery cleaning can be as good as new for a fraction of the cost.
I recently bought a couch for $74.95 at my local thrift shop Redlands Thrift Shop I initially was gonna have it cleaned by my favorite upholstery cleaning guy Pro Home Care but decided I’d just have it reupholstered.
So for a TOTAL of: $1315
1. Couch – $74.95
2. Fabric – $391 – Joanne Fabrics – BLAZE 99 J6891

3. Cost of Upholstery – $850

Finished sofa
There are tons, TONS of people trying to get rid of furniture on Craigslist.
Look at this awesome table and chairs (purchased separately) my friend scored from Craigslist.

Craigslist Table and Chairs

Craigslist Table and Chair
Local Furniture stores
Look in your local area for furniture stores. There are lots of little shops where you can find amazing furniture for low cost and decent quality. I’ve been doing lots of local shopping in amazing places that I’ve found on Instagram. Check out these two vintage stores in my area. Vintage Rose Garden and Vintique Alley.

Fabulous find at Vintage Rose

Bedroom Set at Vintique Alley
Your Interior Design Professional
Since I love to help people make their houses feel like home I’m a natural resource for you to rely on. I have many more resources than the ones listed about and I’m eager to help you. Contact me at [email protected] or